1. At what age did you first become aware that you were in touch (MORE than the average person) with an inate sense of spiritual and psychic abilities?
The problem I see with this question is the assumption that I am "MORE than the average person". Each of us come into this world in exactly the same way. Did you know that the reason babies cry so much in early infancy is frustration? We have just left the world of Spirit where we travel vast distances and interdimensionally by merely willing to do so, only to find ourselves trapped in this lump of skin and bone where we can do nothing for a very long time. Of course, we made the agreement to be here in this physical vehicle and to lose our sense of Absolute Unity in order to experience the illusion of separation from Creator and one another in order to acheive soul growth, but it's still mighty frustrating! Along the way some of us wake up to the Absolute Reality, some do not. Those of us who do then travel on our merry way armed with Free Will to do and experience anything we choose.
2. What specific events unfolded in your early life that affirmed this? How did you relate/cope with these events?
I have memory of seeing inhabitants of other frequencies of Absolute Reality as a child. Many have these, we usually call them "imaginary friends". They are only imaginary to those with closed minds who have totally forgotten who they are and how much our Creator loves them. As for coping, with any of it in childhood, there was no need for "coping" it was as natural as breathing. The use of the word "coping" implies something was amiss and I was to be judging these experiences as harmful. I also got into the habit, if I had been beaten that day or was just particularly upset or injured, of doing what I then thought of as "pulling the ceiling down" as I went to sleep. I would just will the ceiling to come down to where it was maybe 2 inches from my face. I didn't quite understand that at the time, but I was consciously leaving my body and actually making my consciousness hover just above it. This would bring a feeling of peace and I would be able to sleep.
3. At what age did you begin actively utilizing these abilities to directly benefit others? What were some of those early endeavours?
It was my path to first experience quite a bit of ugliness and make many, many mistakes before I was able to "See the Light". Probably my first conscious use of my inate abilites was when I joined the non-profit crime fighting organization known as The Guardian Angels. I became Chapter leader and Martial Arts instructor. In the early 90's I experienced a great awakening to a relatively small slice of Absolute Reality. It was wonderful, but rather frightening as well. I learned a great deal but then, as many do, shut down and became mired in sensory
input and concerns once again. I have been working with full conscious intent to do all Creator would have me do to assist mankind in finding peace for only 3 years now. I have great deal more to do both to increase my understanding of Absolute reality and assist others.
4. In layman's terms, explain just HOW do you go about connecting with the spirit of a deceased person, and how do you persuade that spirit to leave THIS realm and enter into the NEXT one? What do you hope/believe that spirit will gain by doing so?
Well, the first step is to feel them. I will get some sort of sensory input. Then I go into meditation and use that feeling to "tune into" the frequency of the etheric realm they are existing in, moving my consciousness from my physical body into my etheric body. Then I introduce myself and open a diialog with them. I explain to them that God is using me to help them find their way home. They are only lost and
confused, but that time is over and they are sorely missed at God's side. I inform them that this pile of sticks and bricks is no longer their home and that there is a much finer one waiting for them in the Light they did not move into before. Then I listen to them, I let them pour out anything they have bottled up that keeps them from accepting the Light.
Since I am a Priest of The Order of Melchizedek (the same priestly Order Jesus was a High Priest of) and have been for many lives, I do what we do. Can't give alot of detail on that, due to my vows. Another note on the Order, what you find on the internet is a scam. The Order neither wants nor needs your money or for you to show up at a workshop or to buy a book or tape set. That is all garbage.
Anyway, when the entity is ready I call upon Arch Angel Micheal and Arch Angel Uriel, they dispatch Light Beings, or angels however you wish to describe them, and they support the entity as it moves out of the etheric body into the astral field of Light. The entity gains from this by continuing it's evolution, depending on the level of Spiritual realization it has it's 360 degree panoramic life review process then sets about learning from it's lessons gathered while in the physical realm.
5. Explain how you came to discover the special religious sect you belong to, and tell us about it's history (it's founding, deeds, creed, famous past members, etc.)
Briefly explained The Order of Melchizedek is a group of Universal Intelligences, under the Directives of our Divine Creator. The Order, are not Priests as you would normally understand them to be. Our doctrine is simply to live life in all its aspects, of happiness and sadness, trials and tribulations, with no judgement and no criticisms. Truth, Integrity and Unconditional Love for humanity, the planet Earth and the Universe are the supporting foundations from which we structure and develop our lives here on Earth.
There is no doctrine we must follow, other than to follow the “Golden Rule” of treating everyone with love and respect. If there is anything upon which we all agree it is that there is only one God/Creator. We all come from the same Source and that Source is His “Unconditional Love”. We do not say that our way is the only way. There are many paths, but the basis of all true spiritual work is “LOVE”.
We encourage each priest to wait until he/she is asked before he begins to teach anyone. Respect for individual free will must be recognized at all times and never compromised. Without “freedom” we die; therefore we choose life. And no one is ready to learn until he or she seeks to find the answers themselves. Our church exists within our own hearts and here is where we pray and fulfill the needs
of our own Soul.
Our congregation consists of those who come to us in conscious silence, for the purpose of learning and understanding themselves. It is our job and objective to guide and teach those individuals, not to lead and overpower them. Those that are drawn to us, come via their own free will, with or without their conscious knowledge. Our Souls uniting for the teachings on
both sides. Once we have exchanged our teachings, both parties move on, in accordance to what they may have learnt or as per their free will choice.
Most, if not all, won’t even be aware that we are Priests at all, for we do not wear any special apparel, we have no sign posts pinned to our backs, no neon flashing lights saying “If you desire, I can help you”. But your Soul is fully aware of who we are and how we can help you. We come together only with God’s blessing. We all communicate together at a higher level of awareness and in other dimensions. In the unseen worlds, we communicate much more freely and in Love Unconditional, where no judgement or criticisms are made of each other, where things are done for loves sake alone and nothing more. For
in those dimensions we are Love. Standing in the Light of God and in his image encompassing the All That Is.
The Order of Melchizedek works individually and not in groups, although our aim is to unify our efforts to bring humanity into its own understanding of its God given right to be God within themselves.
We are answerable to none but our own Integrity and ultimately in turn to Melchizedek, Jesus The Christ and GOD/Creator. But none of Them interfere in any way whatsoever, for we must take full responsibility for whatever we think, do and say. We pay for our own mistakes just like everyone else. After all we are human just like everyone else.
As our responsibilities are greater in many ways, our knowledge is at a higher understanding, our pay backs are amplified accordingly. Our only real differences come from our previous Life experiences before this Life incarnation. That is, we have had many more life incarnations than most. We are neither greater nor smaller, not more or less important than the next person. Our experiences are only more atoned with our knowledge and wisdom.
Note the word “atone” --- AT ONE.
Our Service is directly in association with those who supervise and support the beings on this planet, human and otherwise and who ultimately oversee our Universe. Our Service is to work with humanity, to raise their consciousness to that which is imminent.
We are only a few of several million Beings who have come here at this time of incredible importance. The truth is that you too may be one of those Beings, but to date you have not awakened to that fact.
Let me explain to you who Melchizedek is.
The Order of Melchizedek is a Priesthood Ordained before our Universal GOD and our Divine Source. EVERYTHING THAT IS - IS GOD! He is the same GOD that all religious factions speak of, but religions have rearranged the true facts of evolution and history with regards to Jesus and God, for purposes of their own greed, power and material gains.
There is only ONE GOD.
Melchizedek “Eternal Lord of Light” is responsible for the total organization of Heavenly Worlds, including Earth, for the transit into new creation. He is Co-equal to Archangel Michael in the “rescue, regenesis and reeducation of worlds” going through the purification of the Living Light. He is in charge of all Heavenly Order. His references can be seen in the Bible (Genesis 14:18, Hebrew 5:7-10; 7:1-3,15,24; 5:9-12; 7:3, Psalms 110:4-7; and Judges 5:19-21), and he is responsible along with many other Highly evolved Beings in rescuing our Planet and all living creatures great and small from the coming event that has been prophesied by countless prophets over the centuries.
The coming of The End of The World. The End of the World, is not The End of the World, but The End of the World as we know it today.
We are all rising from a third level dimensional framework of existence to a fifth level dimension.
I see my Ordination in this lifetime as a wake up call to that which I already was. Before I incarnated I was already a Priest in the Order. Working at their level of existence. At a subconscious level I still work at their level. It was my choice to come to Earth as a Human Being, limited and without memory, within the physical body, with the opportunity to raise my vibrational frequency from within the physical body to the higher vibrational energies. It is the ONLY way you can become a Master and become that which Jesus Christ demonstrated to us 2000 years ago. The potential that we all have within us.
That was His whole purpose, to show us our potential and to inform us that we already have those capabilities.
All we have to do is break through our fears and tap into the ALL THAT IS, the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, The
So the act of being Ordained, again in this physical world only took place for me as a reminder of who I am, should I care to accept it. So having recognized it, and chosen it, it has now drawn that aspect within me to the surface to activate and align me for the Work yet to come. My real test for this lifetime. To discover, while in the limitations of the physical body, who I really am. That who in reality I was already. Can you see the dichotomy?
What I am saying is that we all know who we already are within, but we need to find these aspects of ourselves naturally and on our own. In other words, consciously, penetrating and permeating all our fears, because this is the only way we can go home. There is no other direction. Yet it is the most difficult. On the other hand, somehow after diffusing these fears
one by one, we could kick ourselves because we realize just how easy they can be abolished.
If we ask for guidance it will be provided but we must be open to receive the help and be aware of the many ways which it can take form. For example, a song on the radio, a person we meet who says something to us, a color presented at a specific moment, particularly accidents and coincidences (these are our principle learning tools) and many, many more. They can be as subtle as a summer breeze or as life threatening as a heart attack. If you know how to read these contacts,
then you will grow accordingly. Invite them into your life and you will be amazed at the simplicity of life and how everything around us expresses that reflection of ourselves in one way or another.
I feel it very important to Teach what we must do to maximize our potential in association with this coming event. It is going to happen to us whether we participate or not. So it matters not, whether we go with the flow or against it. But be it very clear that we as Holy Universal Man (Human), have a great opportunity here to progress to some great heights which we have incarnated originally to do. In fact we have very little time left to achieve it here on this Planet.
We are all equal in God’s eyes. It is only ourselves who judge and segregate or separate ourselves from others and life’s treasures. We are all ONE, ALL THAT IS. We are all GOD, created in His Image, and of His Essence from the Divine Source.
7. Tell us a bit about your everyday life.
I wake up, I communicate with my teacher and my students, I eat, I spend time enjoying the love of my fiance, I do my sadhana (Spiritual practices), I go to work (I'm a CNA in a Nursing Home), I come home, I communicate with my teacher and my students, I do my sadhana and I go to bed. That is what I do with my physical vessel daily. To say what I do with
other aspects would require too much space and not be understood anyway, lol.
8. Do you wish for your children to "follow in your footsteps"?
My daughter has a path she must walk, if she feels it important to follow my footsteps i will be happy to help. If she chooses some other path I will love her and support her just as much.
9. Explain what you feel you gain on a personal level by what you do.
Divine Bliss and Liberation!
10. Explain by what process others who are actively interested in becoming a member of this sect must do.
(you and I know but the readers DON'T)
IF someone is stirred deep inside by what I have said about the Order, they should sit with that awhile and contemplate a life of service. I happen to be an Ordaining Priest and am available to facilitate initiation and Ordination. Here is a report from a recent initiate:
Rev. Clif,
Thank you so much for this gift. I have just finished my initiation And feel very wonderful. I counted out my candles, arranged them into a triangle as I was instructed by my guidance and had music going. After the meditation and invocation, I immediately felt tingling in my palms and on my soles of my feet. I saw you with spirals of energy coming from your palms and third eye to mine and began to feel tingling in my third eye, which lasted for some time. I saw a large Light Being bend over me and begin to work on my eyes. First he opened up something to stop the recent achiness I have been experiencing and then massaged the optic nerves. I saw another two Light Beings, smaller ones, working on my feet. I sensed many other energies around, some working on me, some not.
My vision of you moved and came and went throughout. I saw beautiful colours flashing around me and then began to see the music as light shapes playing about the air. I felt tingling and heat moving around my body as everyone did their work. I saw multi-coloured sheets of light, as though looking up the edge of light beams, stretching into infinity. I saw you again and saw a brief set of symbols flash by. You worked on my eyes and spoke to me a little, answering some of my curious thoughts. I was told I would remember everything when I need to.
My knees seem to have received a lot of attention as well. At several points I experienced a perfect, peaceful moment of being a point of light in the vastness of All That Is; no thoughts, no sensations, no sounds, just existing in balance. I saw two very huge hands of beautiful white light come to me and pass over me, working with my energy. Several times I was asked to move, to bend my knees or straighten them, to assist whatever was being done. My legs and feet occasionally jumped as bolts of energy passed through them, not at all painful, just powerful. My head was also moved around a couple of times. I saw a lovely sheet of orange light spread overhead. After a particularly lovely moment of being in no-time or space, I came back to my body and was told to gently move my legs and to rest before getting up, which I did. When I did get up and move around, my knees felt very different and the usual pains I have experienced in them are gone.
I looked at my candles and suddenly knew that I had miscounted - that there were only 21. I was told this was intentional and I was to light one more, representing my Self becoming in-lightened, and place it at the point of the triangle, which I did. While washing my hands I noticed in the mirror my eye colour has changed. My eyes went from blue-green with speckles of hazel to a very unusual bright green, with only the tiniest flecks of hazel. My eyes regularly change through shades of blue and green, with varying amounts of the hazel, but this is new and I feel it may be permanent.A wonderful experience, thank you for the honour.
Should anyone wish to pursue or discuss anything related to what I do I invite them to email me through a_nightlight@yahoo.com.
11. If it were within your power to do so, what changes/methods/principles would you establish by which children are taught spiritual and physical training within our school system? At what age would you have children begin this training?
It is my belief that meditation should be taught to our children from early childhood and presented as the truth that it is...it is our time to sit in the presence of God/Creator. They should be taught the difference between prayer and meditation...prayer is addressing God...meditation is listening. They should be taught to use the power of prayer to give thanks far more often than to call for help. They should be taught very early to avoid judgemental dualistic thought. A thing, person, place, experience is neither good nor bad, it just IS. Physical life is a series of choices and lessons, no more and no less. We would also teach non-identification with the physical body and active conscious mind. These are not what we ARE, they are tools we HAVE to experience physical life with. One day we will drop them and resume our Absolute Self, which can be in no way damaged by anything in the physical realm. Children should also be taught the amazingly liberating truth of the Scripture, "Judge not and ye shall not be judged." Because ultimately we only judge ourselves and create separation. GOD NEVER judges us, GOD wants us to be joyful and abundant. It is our choices made thru free will that interfere with that plan.12. If the above WERE to take effect, what changes for society at large would you expect to see take place?
What benefits for it would you anticipate?
We would move into the period of peace and abundance prophesied by all religions and belief systems. We are moving in that direction now as we watch the current Dark power structures come apart and the rise of individual Spirituality. There will be great tribulation as the changes occur, but God is with us, so who can really stand against us?
Of myself I do nothing, ALL is The One Great Power working through us.
I bid you Divine Bliss & Liberation in this life,
Rev Clif
"The biggest question facing humanity is not when are we going to learn, but rather when are we going to act according to what we already know."